Friday, November 27, 2009



do u understand?

Friday, November 20, 2009

when can u start...

(at 20:25, 19/11/2009)

him: bla bla bla

me: well, if u nk, by monday i boleh...bla bla bla... even tomorrow also can.. :)

him: actually, we have...bla bla bla every 1st day of month... bla bla bla

me: okay, no prob...

him: bla bla bla


i shud b happy :)
can start being a pe'makan gaji' again..

liver or heart?

hati itu..
utk yg punya perasaan
utk merasa non-physical things
utk dikongsi
utk mencurah perasaan
utk wujud sifat kemanusiaan
utk difahami
utk memahami naluri
itu hanya untuk yang punya perasaan

tp hati ini..
untuk fungsi perkumuhan
untuk terus hidup sihat
untuk sintesis asid amino
untuk sintesis karbohidrat
untuk penghasilan sel darah merah
untuk penghasilan faktor koagulasi
untuk penghasilan faktor pertumbuhan seperti insulin
untuk memperhalus hormon
untuk menghasilkan metabolite
untuk modifikasi bahan2 toksik
untuk menukar ammonia kepada urea
untuk menyimpan bahan2 penting dlm tubuh
untuk fungki kawalan tekanan darah
boleh tumbuh walau hilang separuh
boleh dikongsi dgn yg memerlukan
bukan untuk yang tak serasi

bukan biliary atresia
bukan alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
bukan alagille syndrome
bukan progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
dan bukan Langerhans cell histiocytosis
tp hilang deria...
hilang punca..

Saturday, November 14, 2009


wut is life at 0.5?

is meaningless...

incomplete being..

no point.

The Phlegmatic / Sanguine

If you are a phlegmatic-sanguine, your phlegmatic side will dominate. This will result in a greater tendency to introversion (though still less than a melancholic’s or pure phlegmatic’s). You are congenial and cooperative and get along well with most everyone. Because of your emphasis on harmony in relationships, you are peace-loving, conservative, well-balanced, easy-going, with a dry wit and a talent for bringing people together. As an employee, you are compliant, dutiful, orderly, and subdued (and probably were as a child too). Others may not realize that you have a sanguine side -- at first. It may take a little longer for you to make close friends (because you do not reveal your feelings or thoughts as readily as the more extraverted sanguine-phlegmatic), but once you do, your sanguine nature can assert itself. It will also show up when, for example, you have been so dutiful and compliant about work or school that finally you need to relax and unwind — and now the sanguine, fun-loving side comes out. Or, when you are hanging out with your closest friends.

You are very thoughtful of others, with a knack for empathically putting yourself in other people’s shoes, and value peace and harmony at all times. You also have a great sense of humor and an easy-going manner that makes you a valued friend. You are discouraged by criticism or negativity and need acceptance, support and cooperation in your personal life. You can be deeply wounded by sarcasm, harsh criticism, and anger when it is directed at you. You will not, however, directly fight back but prefer to “turn the other cheek” or redouble your efforts to please.

Phlegmatic-sanguines tend to prefer movies, concerts, or other forms of relaxation that are a bit more spectator-oriented. When they attend parties, they tend to prefer smaller groups, rather than the large social gatherings a pure sanguine enjoys. Like sanguine-phlegmatics, they are very attentive to relationships, to harmony among people. They have deep feelings, hate negative criticism, and become discouraged by negativity in those around them. They are strongly tempted to repress their own wishes in order to preserve peace in a relationship. A stressful situation (especially one that is interpersonally demanding) may cause the peaceful phlegmatic-sanguine to withdraw into solitary television watching, playing computer games, eating or sleeping, instead of directly expressing their negative feelings.

A danger for the phlegmatic-sanguine is to be satisfied with achieving less than what he is capable of -- whether because he tends not to plan for the future or because the more challenging goals seem to be “too much trouble.” A phlegmatic-sanguine will be strongly tempted to quit if he doesn’t think the end product is worth the effort or if he fears he won’t succeed. Perhaps the most besetting difficulties for this temperament mixture are the natural inclination to peace and quiet (tempting one to laziness), a preference to live within the moment (superficiality), and a tendency to make decisions based first on the desire to please someone else or to restore harmony.

In a relationship, the phlegmatic-sanguine is true-blue. He is likely to be a great listener, is willing to put others first, and has excellent mediatory skills. You are a supportive friend and a cooperative employee; however, this can cause you to say “yes” to demands of friends or colleagues, without first analyzing whether this choice is actually the best choice to make. At times, wanting to either please your good friends or avoid conflict either at home or at work, you may “go with the flow” when in fact a strong stance is necessary. Or, you may avoid a more demanding task or career move in order to maintain harmony and stability. If you find yourself “stuck in a rut” or avoiding making the extra effort required to make an important change, take time out to analyze your goals for the future, realign your priorities to reflect your values and, if necessary, seek spiritual direction to ensure that your values are aligned with God’s will for you.

Separuh Nafas

Lyrics | Dewa lyrics - Separuh Nafas lyrics

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


sorry...seems 2 be d hardest word..

but it rather seems harder 2 be accepted..

how much we want others 2 apologize..

but how much we are willing 2?

how hard other people 2 accept it?

how hard for them 2 say it?

how hard we are willing 2 accept apology?

Nabil cakap, "Lu pikir lah sendiri!".


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Air oh Air...

jarang skali Kajang ade krisis air..
dh brape thn bekalan xpnh putus..
Syabaslah kepada SYABAS..

tringat waktu krisis air dulu..
Fenomena El Nino (97-98)..
kadar curahan hujan berkurang..
suhu persekitaran meningkat..
kebakaran hutan tercetus di Kalimantan..
jerebu teruk sampai Malaysia isytihar darurat untuk beberapa ketika..
mase tu, jualan topeng muka meningkat mendadak..
klo xpakai topeng muka di kwsn IPU tinggi,
boleh kene radang paru2, masalah pernafasan, semput & sbgnya..
jumlah partikel asing dlm udara terlalu tinggi
dan merbahaya jika disedut masuk ke paru2..
dlm mase yg same,
kepanasan melampau menyebabkan paras air di empangan2 utama Malaysia surut ke tahap kritikal..
maka dengan itu, beberapa kawasan terutama KL yg mengharap pada empangan Klang Gate & Hulu Langat terpaksa dicatu..
apatah lg Kajang..
Beratus lori Syabas dikerah utk hantar air kpd penduduk..
kehidupan seharian sungguh terganggu..
Betapa pentingnya air..

Ohh air..
hari ni hari kedua bekalan terputus lagi..
smlm ptg dh disambung..
ada lori Syabas hantar air jugak..
lega la hati..
tp bgn2 je hr ni..
dh xde air lg..
dh la rumah pakai direct connection..
xpakai tangki..

bile nk ade balik ni..
klo stakat kuar sket2 bek xyah..

bile ade air, x igt..
ble dh xde, bru nk tadah..
heh, mmg SENGAL..
ape tidaknye..
bil air bulanan skrg bukan lg RM 0.00
kdg2 negatif pon ade..
klo dh -ve tu, patutnye Syabas kene byr kat aku la..
penat kerajaan Selangor byr kt diorg..
untung berganda la jawabnye..
bygkan klo tiap2 rumah pakai 19 kubik meter air sbulan,
kerajaan Selangor bayar utk 20 kubik meter..
x ke diorg dpt duit free?
urusan diorg..
aku xtau..
nway, tq pada kerajaan Selangor..
air adalah sumber alam yg x ternilai..
anugerah Tuhan utk makhluknye..
mmg patut dpt free..
tp sbb Syabas & Puas bekerjasama utk membekal air bersih,
bleh la bg chance byr upah diorg penat2 bersihkan air..

Tapi kadang2 x bersih mane pon..
klo nk bersihkan, bersihkan btol2..
bygkan ade loji2 yg ditutup lebih setengah thn..
dr mn penduduk dpt air bersih??
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara membongkar semuanya..
err..semua ke?
macam masih ada yg perlu dijelaskan..
apa dia?
Lu pikirlah sendiri..
*pinjam quote nabil..jgn marah ye nabil..

adakala Indah Water Konsortium dipersalahkan..
mereka punca air kotor?
atau Syabas sendiri gagal jalankan tugas?

ada beberapa punca air di bhgian hilir,
terdapat discharge point IWK di hulunya..
terjadi beberapa kes kumbahan terawat IWK yg dilepaskan punya kandungan Ammonia (NH3) yg tinggi..
lalu mencemar loji pembersihan air Syabas..
akhirnya, loji Syabas terpaksa ditutup kerana kandungan NH3 yg terlalu tinggi x boleh dirawat oleh loji mereka..
rasanya teknologi sekarang dh canggih..
xde yg mustahil..
tapi ntah..
alasan kos yg tinggi utk bawa masuk teknologi tinggi akan jadi pilihan..
pastu nanti, masyarakat diugut utk tarif dinaikkan..
inilah dunia..
no comment!

bukan IWK sahaja jadi punca..
x adil mereka dipersalahkan 100%
byk lg bahan cemar industri dlm bekalan air kita..
JAS pula perlu main peranan..
adakan pemeriksaan, laksanakan penguatkuasaan,
hukum mereka yg bersalah pada masyarakat..
tau kaut keuntungan je..
tanggungjawab sosial x dihirau..

kronologi yg xkan putus, xkan habis..
"takkan putus air dicincang"
peribahasa yg xboleh disangkal..
begitu juga kisahnya..
xkan putus..
mungkin sampai kiamat..

Apa yang penting?
kata2 Wonder Pet.. yg lebih penting ialah..
menghargai rezeki, nikmat kurniaan Ilahi..
kompenen terpenting kehidupan..
nyawa alam bergantung pada air..
70% permukaan bumi..
70% kandungan badan manusia..
semuanya air..

Ingatlah bahawa air juga boleh menjadi pemutus hayat..
tahun yg xboleh dilupak masyarakat Asia Tenggara..
air bah yg menjadikan byk tanah seperti padang jarak..
Takziah kepada mereka yg terlibat..

Air oh Air.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Semalam yang sengal

semalam punye semalam,
tdo 2am..
kire awal la tuh..
tp sejak tdo kol 11pm, rase mcm lewat sgt 2am..
ape x nye..
smlm bangun awal pagi..
bsiap2, trus chalo ke subang..
sampai awal 1jam dr yg sepatutnye
tnggu dpn pintu yg bermangga
then buang tebiat sket..
minum nescafe breakfast
hangin perut aku 1 hari..
macam ade taufan je..
pintu bukak 90minit lepas aku sampai..
buat test yg same..
tp jawapan yg berbeza..
sejuk ya amat..
menggigil sum2 tulang..

abes test, cabut balik..
beli nasik putih 2 bungkus RM 3.00!
gile..aku x tau nasi putih semahal itu..
selalu mkn nasi free je agaknye..
haha, ngabihkan boreh yo..
pastu makan setengah bungkus je..
hangin perut punye pasal..

pastu sambung plak g Kenny Rogers..
atas permintaan mak aku..
mule2 xmo makan..
tp order list:
(1/4 Chicken + 3 side dishes) X 2
Beef Bolognaise Spagetthi
Full Chicken Sandwich
Magic Mango Yogurt
Ice Blended Strawberri
Hot Chocolate
menu utk 3 org yg bernilai RM103++ (incl. 15% tax)
haha, penoh lg perut aku yg berangin..

pastu, petang g KLCC..
tengok Ninja yg x brape ninja..
efek darah memancut mmg dasat..
tp aksi lawan2 x mantap sgt..
x puas sungguh..
x cukup kejam! HAHAHA

tp SENGAL of d day..
mase nk balik..

patutnye, mlm g genting..
tp disebabkan berlaku sedikit kesengalan,
plan x jadik..

option lain, ronda2 kota raya..
penoh sungguh Jln P. Ramlee..
hantu2 menyambut halloween..
haha, trick or treat?

makan angin skjp kat titiwangsa..
bertambah hangin perut aku..

balik trus lena.....